Kangaroo or Front Facing Carry
This is an excellent position for those inquisitive babies who have good head control but are
not yet ready for Hip Carry.
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Begin with the sling in the usual pouch position with the inside edge fairly taut against
your body. Hold your baby against you and have her facing outwards, with her back
against your chest thereby providing her with stability, carefully cross her legs with
your other hand. Open the pouch section and lower your baby into the pouch area
making sure that she is sitting fully in the pouch. Pull the top edge of the pouch up
towards her chest and tighten. The inside edge of the sling should be tight against your
body and the top outside edge should be snug against your baby holding her securely
in place. Keep a careful watch on your baby in this position and ensure that the sling is
always tight around her so that she cannot push her self up with her feet.
A great position for seeing the
world. Or even helping with the