C o n f i g u r e a t i o n G u i d e
L1_THD_V: 40610
This address contains the measured THD of voltage on phase 1, expressed in %
L2_THD_V: 40612
This address contains the measured THD of voltage on phase 2, expressed in %
L3_THD_V: 40614
This address contains the measured THD of voltage on phase 3, expressed in %
L1_Iac: 40620
This address contains the measured RMS current on phase 1, expressed in A
L2_Iac: 40622
This address contains the measured RMS current on phase 2, expressed in A
L3_Iac: 40624
This address contains the measured RMS current on phase 3, expressed in A
L1_THD_I: 40626
This address contains the measured THD of charging current on phase 1, expressed in %
L2_THD_I: 40628
This address contains the measured THD of charging current on phase 2, expressed in %
L3_THD_I: 40630
This address contains the measured THD of charging current on phase 3, expressed in %