The Check Number is unique for a list of words,
regardless of their order. For example, “dog, cat”
and “cat, dog” have the same number. But “dig,
cat” has a different number.
Using Your Message List
Your can type, save, and playback text-to-speech
messages in your message list. For example, “Math
homework tonight” and “I’ll be back later.”
Your messages can be as brief as two words or as
long as a sentence. If your messages average 30
characters, you can save up to 26 messages. If
they’re longer, you can save fewer. Regardless of
their length, each message is indexed for quick
To add and remove messages from your list, use
. To see your messages, press
NOTE: When you turn off the Language Master SE,
your messages are saved for your next session. If,
however, you replace the batteries and keep them
out of their compartment for more than a minute,
your messages will be deleted. To avoid this, plug
in the AC adapter when you replace batteries.
1. Type a phrase or sentence at the main prompt.
to type a space between words.
2. Press
If a word in your message is misspelled or isn’t in the
Language Master
SE’s dictionary, you see and hear a
dialog box asking if you want to “Keep this spelling.”
If you do, press