Footnotes, References & Tables
Throughout the text, you will see icons for footnotes
(FOOT), cross-references (XREF), tables (TABLE), and
bibliographic references (BIB). Here is how to use them.
1. When an icon is in view, hold
and press
to highlight the icon.
(NOTE: You can also highlight icons by pressing
and then the arrow keys.) To highlight subse-
quent icons that are in view, hold
and press
again. To turn off the highlight, press
2. Press
to view the item.
Use the Direction Keys to read it.
3. Press
to go back to the highlighted icon.
Using and Understanding Tables
When highlighted and selected as shown above,
most cross-reference icons (XREFs) take you to a
table. Once the table is in view, you can usually re-
turn to its cross-reference by highlighting and se-
lecting the table icon (TABLE).
Tables are formatted as bulleted lists. Row head-
ings are generally flush left and in boldface. Row
subheadings and column headings are indented
and followed by the information of a table cell.