Finding Team Statistics
Single Season Totals
You can see team batting and pitching statistics, as well as statistics for each player
on the team. Simply highlight Team Statistics on the Request menu. Then type a
team name and a year.
You can type teams by team name, city, or the city's common abbreviation.
For example, DODGERS, LOS ANGELES, or LA.
If you type a team that has had more than one home town, you'll see a list of cities. If
you type a city that has hosted more than one team, you'll see a list of teams. To
select a city or team, press the down arrow key. Then press the Enter key.
After you've seen team statistics, you can see career statistics for any player on the
team. Just highlight the player's name and then press the Enter key.
1. On the Requests menu, press the down arrow key to highlight Team Statistics.
2. Type a team name or city.
3. Press the space bar once.
4. Type a year.
5. Press F1 or the Enter key.
You see the team and individual battings statistics for that year. If you want to scroll
up and down the list, press the up and down arrow keys now.
6. Press F5 to see the team pitching statistics.
If you want to return to the batting statistics, press F5 again.
7. Press the down arrow key to highlight a player.
8. Press the Enter key to see his career statistics.
If you want to return to the team statistics, press the backspace key.
9. When you're done, press the Escape key twice.