Understanding the Skill Levels
In Cryptomania, the beginner skill level
displays the punctuation, author, and
title as part of the cryptograms. The in-
termediate level displays them, too,
but doesn’t set apart the author and
title typographically. The expert level
doesn’t display punctuation, authors,
or titles.
In Guess the Author, the beginner
level displays the title and author’s
dates as well as the quotation. The
intermediate level displays the
author’s dates. The expert level dis-
plays only the quotation.
You can play Cryptomania and Guess the
Author at beginner, intermediate, or ex-
pert levels.
1. Press
(the yellow key).
2. Highlight
Skill Level
and then
A check marks the current level.
3. Highlight a skill level and
then press
to select it.
Changing the Skill Level
Sending Words
Between Books
This BOOKMAN book card can send
words to and receive words from cer-
tain other BOOKMAN books. You can
use this feature to look up words from
and in other books.
To send or receive words, you must
first install at least one book card in
your BOOKMAN. In addition, the in-
stalled book card(s) and/or its built-in
book must be able to send or receive
words. To learn if a book can send or
receive words, read its User’s Guide.
1. Highlight a word in this book.
To highlight a word in the text, press
and then press the arrow
keys. (See “Highlighting Search
Words” for detailed steps.)
2. Hold
and press
3. Highlight another book icon.
4. Press
The word that you highlighted ap-
pears in the other book.
5. Press
to look up the
word in the other book.