Correcting Misspellings
If you misspell a word in any language, or
if you enter a word not contained in this
dictionary, a list of corrections appears.
Corrections appear only in the current
source language.
1. Type a misspelled word.
2. Press a colour key or ENTER.
3. Use the arrow keys to high-
light a correction and then
press ENTER.
4. Press CLEAR when finished.
Searching for Partial Words
If you are uncertain how to spell a
word, you can type a question mark
) in place of each unknown letter.
To find prefixes, suffixes, and other
parts of words, type an asterisk (
) in
a word. Asterisks stand for a series of
1. Type a word with ?’s or
To type an asterisk, hold CAP and
2. Press a colour key or ENTER.
3. Use the arrow keys to high-
light a correction and then
press ENTER.
4. Press CLEAR when finished.