- Acquisition:
With this function, the electronic keys are confi gured.
• Select the user and confi rm with the “V” key
• The display shows how many keys were acquired to this user (by default 00)
• Three LEDs (red, yellow and green) will start fl ashing fast in the readers; this shows
that the system is ready to acquire the keys
• After the procedure has started, the LEDs of the CHBUS reader start
fl ashing.
• Bring the CH10BG electronic key up to the reader and the LEDs will be
permanently on; the fi rst key has been acquired.
• After a few seconds the LEDs start fl ashing.
• Now bring the second key up to the reader and the LEDs will be
permanently on.
• After a few seconds, the LEDs start fl ashing and the third key can be
brought up to the reader.
Continue the sequence for all the keys that you want to memorize.
After all keys are memorized, press “X” to fi nish the procedure.
Now all keys have been acquired and the alarm system is ready to be
activated or deactivated by electronic keys.
if, in the OTHER menu, the “Continuous display” function of the LEDs is set to
“YES,” then the CH10BG electronic keys can be acquired ONLY by the MASTER user; the other
users (if confi gured) won’t be displayed.
- Cancellation:
With this function, all the electronic keys of the user are cancelled.
when the keys linked to the user are cancelled, ALL the other keys associated
to that user will be cancelled.
10.4 Telephone functions
With this function, the MASTER user can modify the numbers in the PHONE BOOK.
Among the functions that can be modifi ed, apart from the phone number, you can modify the
associated NAME.