► Smart Power LED
Smart Power LED is a feature built on your motherboard to indicate different states during
Power On System Test (POST). The LED is located at the front panel, and it displays POST
state by different long-short blinking intervals. You can always leave this state enabled.
System Status
Power LED Status
Stop Blinking Condition
Always On
Always On
No Memory
Continue blinking On (1sec.), Off (1sec.)
Reboot & Memory OK
No VGA Card detec
Continue blinking On (2sec.), Off (2sec.)
Reboot & Display OK
Post Error Message
Quick blinking twice (1/3sec. On, 1/3sec. Off),
one long On (1sec.), continuously.
Enter Setup or Skip
No CPU Fan
Continue blinking On (1/2sec.), Off (1/2sec.)
Reboot & Fan OK
► Smart Boot Menu
When PC starts, it will ask you to press [Del] key to enter setup or press [Esc] key to enter
smart boot menu. If [Disabled] is selected, then pressing [Esc] has no function.
► Current CPU Speed
This item displays the current CPU speed.
► Current FSB Multiplier
This item displays the current FSB Ratio.
► Current DRAM Speed
This item displays the current DRAM speed, in dual channels.
Fox Intelligent Stepping
CMOS Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 1985-2006, American Megatrends, Inc.
Fox Intelligent Stepping
CPU Clock
Help Item
Memory Speed Mode
GFX Engine Clock Override
PCI Express Clock
CPU Multiplier Adjust
Spread Spectrum
CPU-NB HT Link Speed
NCHT Incoming Link Width [Auto]
NCHT Outgoing Link Width [Auto]
↑↓←→:Move Enter:Select +/-/:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit
F1:General Help F9:Optimized Defaults
► CPU Clock
This option is used to adjust the CPU clock.
► Memory Speed Mode
This item is used to enable/disable provision of DRAM timing by SPD device. The SerialPres-
ence Detect (SPD) device is a small EEPROM chip, mounted on a DDR2 memorymodule. It