Upgrading Software Images and Configuration Files
December 2008
© 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc.
Beginning with version 03.9.00, you can upgrade FPGA images for all NetIron interface modules at the same
time, as described in “Upgrading all FPGA Images for all Interface Modules at the Same Time” on page 7-24.
Table 7.2 describes the functions contained in the Boot, Monitor and IronWare images in versions of the Multi-
Service IronWare software before and after release 03.5.00.
If you are installing a Multi-Service IronWare software image earlier than release 03.5.00, consult the
release notes for that version
Images and Procedures Required
Beginning with version 03.5.00, the software images required and the procedures for upgrading have been
changed as described in the following sections:
Description of the Images Required – This sub-section describes each of the images required to operate a
NetIron MLX Series router. It describes the functions included in version 03.5.00 and the changes from
previous versions.
Upgrading Software Images as Required by Version – This sub-section describes the procedures required for
your software upgrade depending upon the version you are upgrading from or to. Links are provided to the
required procedures as required.
Displaying the Flash Memory and Version Information – This sub-section describes the commands that allow
you to determine the contents of the NetIron MLX Series router’s flash memory and how to read the output of
those commands.
Upgrading the Managment Module’s Monitor and Boot Images – This sub-section describes the procedures
required for upgrading the management module’s Monitor and Boot software images. The procedures
described apply to all versions of the software.
Upgrading the Managment Module’s IronWare Image – This sub-section describes the procedures required
for upgrading the management module’s IronWare software image. The procedures described apply to all
versions of the software.
Upgrading the Interface Module’s Monitor and Boot Images – This sub-section describes the procedures
required for upgrading the interface module’s Monitor and Boot software images. The procedures described
apply to all versions of the software.
Upgrading the Interface Module’s IronWare Image – This sub-section describes the procedures required for
upgrading the management module’s IronWare software image. The procedures described apply to all
versions of the software.
Upgrading the Management and Interface Module’s IronWare Images Together – This sub-section describes
a new procedure that allows you to upgrading the management and interface module’s IronWare software
image at the same time. The procedures described apply for upgrades from versions 03.5.00 or later to later
versions of the software.
Upgrading the MBRIDGE FPGA on the Managment Module – This sub-section describes the procedures
required for upgrading the MBRIDGE FPGA image on a management module. The procedures described
apply to all versions of the software.
Upgrading an FPGA on an Interface module Module – This sub-section describes the procedures required for
upgrading the FPGA images on an Interface module. The procedures described apply to all versions of the
Rebooting the Management Module – This sub-section describes the procedures required for rebooting the
management module after upgrading the software images.
Description of the Software Images Required
The functionality within each of the software images required to operate the NetIron MLX has been changed
beginning with release 03.5.00 as described in Table 7.2. Because the functions that are most likely to change are
now contained within the IronWare image, updates from version 03.5.00 to later versions will usually only require
updating the IronWare image.