The followings are examples of error message when the FD-8 is not working properly.
• SCSI function
• MIDI function
• Digital Signal in/out (Fs: 44.1kHz)
• Vari-pitch function
4-6. Offset Display
This mode determines if the offset value against a master
machine should be displayed or not when the FD-8 is
working as a slave machine.
In order to display the offset value, select the “MTC” time
base and the “REMAINING TIME” as DISP SEL key.
There might be a case that the percentage display does
not indicate “0.0%” exactly. This is caused by the
difference of internal clock between master and slave
machines, which is running independently.
The two-digit numbers displayed in the right of percentage
display (“05” in the left example) is only for software
programming purpose.
If you would like to turn ON the offset display, press the
EXECUTE/YES key while “?” is blinking. (The default
setting is “off”.) Then, turn the jog dial C.W. to change the
display to “ON” and press the EXECUTE/YES key.
If the FD-8 is in a good condition, “Check OK!” will be
displayed and the FD-8 is automatically put into Input
Monitor mode with all the RECORD TRACK LEDs and
RECORD LED flashing. In this condition, if a signal is
applied to the FD-8 RECORDER IN (L, R) jacks, its level
can be monitored on the bargraph level meter.
To quit the Self Check mode, press the EXIT/NO key when
“Check OK!” is displayed.
From previous page
: blinking