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a) Accompanythe workwith the complete corresponding machine-readable source code for the Libraryincluding whatever changeswere
used in the work(which must be distributed under Sections1 and 2 above); and, if the workisan executable linked with the Library, with the
complete machine-readable "workthat usesthe Library", asobject code and/or source code, so that the user can modifythe Libraryand then
relinkto produce a modified executable containing the modified Library. (It isunderstood that the user who changesthe contentsof definitions
filesin the Librarywillnot necessarilybe able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.)
b) Use a suitable shared librarymechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism isone that (1) usesat run time a copyof the library
alreadypresent on the user'scomputer system, rather than copying libraryfunctionsinto the executable, and (2) willoperate properlywith a
modified version of the library, if the user installsone, aslong asthe modified version isinterface-compatible with the version that the workwas
made with.
c) Accompanythe workwith a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materialsspecified in Subsection 6a, above, for
a charge no more than the cost of performing thisdistribution.
d) If distribution of the workismade byoffering accessto copyfrom a designated place, offer equivalent accessto copythe above specified
materialsfrom the same place.
e) Verifythat the user hasalreadyreceived a copyof these materialsor that you have alreadysent thisuser a copy.
For an executable, the required form of the "workthat usesthe Library" must include anydata and utilityprogramsneeded for reproducing the
executable from it. However, asa specialexception, the materialsto be distributed need not include anything that isnormallydistributed (in either
source or binaryform) with the major components(compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless
that component itself accompaniesthe executable. It mayhappen that thisrequirement contradictsthe license restrictionsof other proprietary
librariesthat do not normallyaccompanythe operating system. Such a contradiction meansyou cannot use both them and the Librarytogether
in an executable that you distribute.
7. You mayplace libraryfacilitiesthat are a workbased on the Libraryside-by-side in a single librarytogether with other libraryfacilitiesnot covered
bythisLicense, and distribute such a combined library, provided that the separate distribution of the workbased on the Libraryand of the other
libraryfacilitiesisotherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
a) Accompanythe combined librarywith a copyof the same workbased on the Library, uncombined with anyother libraryfacilities. Thismust be
distributed under the termsof the Sectionsabove.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined libraryof the fact that part of it isa workbased on the Library, and explaining where to find the
accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
8. You maynot copy, modify, sublicense, linkwith, or distribute the Libraryexcept asexpresslyprovided under thisLicense. Anyattempt otherwise
to copy, modify, sublicense, linkwith, or distribute the Libraryisvoid, and willautomaticallyterminate your rightsunder thisLicense. However,
partieswho have received copies, or rights, from you under thisLicense willnot have their licensesterminated so long assuch partiesremain in full
9. You are not required to accept thisLicense, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grantsyou permission to modifyor distribute
the Libraryor itsderivative works. These actionsare prohibited bylaw if you do not accept thisLicense. Therefore, bymodifying or distributing the
Library(or anyworkbased on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of thisLicense to do so, and allitstermsand conditionsfor copying,
distributing or modifying the Libraryor worksbased on it.
10. Each time you redistribute the Library(or anyworkbased on the Library), the recipient automaticallyreceivesa license from the original
licensor to copy, distribute, linkwith or modifythe Librarysubject to these termsand conditions. You maynot impose anyfurther restrictionson the
recipients' exercise of the rightsgranted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance bythird partieswith thisLicense.
11. If, asa consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for anyother reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions
are imposed on you (whether bycourt order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditionsof thisLicense, theydo not excuse you from
the conditionsof thisLicense. If you cannot distribute so asto satisfysimultaneouslyyour obligationsunder thisLicense and anyother pertinent
obligations, then asa consequence you maynot distribute the Libraryat all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free
redistribution of the Librarybyallthose who receive copiesdirectlyor indirectlythrough you, then the onlywayyou could satisfyboth it and this
License would be to refrain entirelyfrom distribution of the Library.
If anyportion of thissection isheld invalid or unenforceable under anyparticular circumstance, the balance of the section isintended to apply,
and the section asa whole isintended to applyin other circumstances.
It isnot the purpose of thissection to induce you to infringe anypatentsor other propertyright claimsor to contest validityof anysuch claims; this
section hasthe sole purpose of protecting the integrityof the free software distribution system which isimplemented bypublic license practices.
Manypeople have made generouscontributionsto the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent
application of that system; it isup to the author/donor to decide if he or she iswilling to distribute software through anyother system and a licensee
cannot impose that choice. Thissection isintended to make thoroughlyclear what isbelieved to be a consequence of the rest of thisLicense.


Содержание FortiAP S221E

Страница 1: ...FortiAP S221E S223E QuickStart Guide...

Страница 2: ...Fortinet enters a binding written contract signed by Fortinet s General Counsel with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly identi...

Страница 3: ...Box Includes or FortiAP device QuickStart Guide 5 GH z 2 4 GH z X2 2 4GHz X2 5GHz Model S223E Wall Mounting Hardware including Standard and Recessed Brackets Antennae 3...

Страница 4: ...s ___________________ Subnet Mask ___________________ Default Gateway ___________________ Primary Secondary DNS ___________________ DHCP It is normal to not require a hostname but your ISP might requi...

Страница 5: ...Blinking Data transmitting receiving at 5GHz link Green 2 4 GHz and 5GHz link is on LED2 WIFI Off Bluetooth non activity Green Bluetooth activity Blinking Data transmitting receiving LED1 BT BLE Off L...

Страница 6: ...Blinking Data transmitting receiving at 5GHz link Green 2 4 GHz and 5GHz link is on LED2 WIFI Off Bluetooth non activity Green Bluetooth activity Blinking Data transmitting receiving LED1 BT BLE Off L...

Страница 7: ...Power connection for optional power adapter 12V DC center positive FortiAP S223E Device Rear LAN PoE Power connection for optional power adapter 12V DC center positive 5 0 GHz Antenna 5 0 GHz Antenna...

Страница 8: ...ll slide direction Mounting an AP below a suspended ceiling Ceiling T Rail Ceiling Bracket The unit S221E or S223E can be mounted on a wall or ceiling using the mounting hardware provided The electric...

Страница 9: ...nected to an applicable port on your FortiGate device or PoE injector Caution Adequate grounding must be provided to the FortiAP unit and the PoE injector in compliance with your local electrical code...

Страница 10: ...oyment section of the FortiWiFi and FortiAP Configuration Guide found at http forti net ap docs 3 Plug the FortiAP into your local Ethernet connection The FortiAP will self configure Or 1 Instead of p...

Страница 11: ...rolling FortiGate 2 Connect to FortiAP via the CLI using the instructions in the Connecting to FortiAP CLI section of the FortiWiFi and FortiAP Configuration guide 3 Specify the IP address of the cont...

Страница 12: Annex 4 10 of SR814 013 applies to batteries Batterie Risque d explosion si la batterie est remplac e par un type incorrect Ne jetez pas les batteries au feu Ils peuvent exploser Jetez les piles...

Страница 13: ...rdance with the instruction manual it may cause harmful interference to radio communications However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipme...

Страница 14: ...e interference and 2 this device must accept any interference including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device Le pr sent appareil est conforme aux CNR d ISED applicables aux ap...

Страница 15: canal This device has been designed to operate with an antenna having a maximum gain of 4 95 dBi for 2 4GHz and 5 83 dBi for 5GHz Antenna having a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations...

Страница 16: ...ssous et ayant un gain admissible maximal et l imp dance requise pour chaque type d antenne Les types d antenne non inclus dans cette liste ou dont le gain est sup rieur au gain maximal indiqu sont st...

Страница 17: ...stic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures The product transmits within the frequency ranges and less than or equal to...

Страница 18: ...ortinet s authorized partners may not comply with EU Directives and Fortinet makes no assurances for such products 2014 53 esky Tento produkt je v souladu se sm rnic 2014 53 EU Dansk Dette produkt er...

Страница 19: ...2014 53 EU ir nyelvnek Nederlands Dit product is in overeenstemming met Richtlijn 2014 53 EU Norsk Dette produktet er i samsvar med direktiv 2014 53 EU Polski Ten produkt jest zgodny z dyrektyw 2014 5...

Страница 20: ...ktiivin 2014 53 EU mukainen Svenska Denna produkt verensst mmer med direktiv 2014 53 EU Note The full declaration of conformity for this product is available at the link below https site fortinet com...

Страница 21: you byFortinet with the exception of anyopen source software contained in Fortinet sProductswhich isdiscussed in detailin section 15 below and the term Software includesanyaccompanying documentati...

Страница 22: ...f this Agreementand are bound in fullbyallrestrictionsand obligationsherein ii enforce the restrictionsand obligationsin thisAgreementagainstsuch customerand orend user iii complywith allapplicable Un...

Страница 23: ...e term functionalspecifications meanssolelythose specificationsauthorized and published byFortinetthatexpresslystate in such specificationsthattheyare the functionalspecificationsreferred to in thisse...

Страница 24: ...sof anyothergovernmentalentitythathasjurisdiction oversuch export import transmission oruse Furthermore you representthatyou understand and you herebyagree to complywith allrequirementsof the U S Fore...

Страница 25: ...third partylicense disclosuresapplicable to certain Fortinetproducts mayobtained bycontacting Fortinet sLegalDepartmentatlegal fortinet com GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSEGNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version...

Страница 26: ...e ismade byoffering accessto copyfrom a designated place then offering equivalentaccessto copythe source code from the same place countsasdistribution of the source code even though third partiesare n...


Страница 28: ...tion isusefulwhen you wish to copypartof the code of the Libraryinto a program thatis nota library 4 You maycopyand distribute the Library ora portion orderivative of it underSection 2 in objectcode o...

Страница 29: ...partof itisa workbased on the Library and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work 8 You maynotcopy modify sublicense linkwith ordistribute the Libraryexceptasexpress...

Страница 30: ...Libraryspecifiesa version numberof thisLicense which appliesto itand anylaterversion you have the option of following the termsand conditionseitherof thatversion orof anylaterversion published bythe F...

Страница 31: ...cs fortinet com Training Services Course descriptions availability schedules and location of training programs in your area http www fortinet com training Technical Discussion Forums Communicate with...
