to the maximum extent permitted and the remainder shallcontinue in fullforce and effect. You acknowledge that you have read thisAgreement,
understand it, and agree to be bound byitstermsand conditions.
14. Privacy.
Fortinet’scollection, use, protection and transfer of your personalinformation isgoverned bythe Fortinet privacypolicyon the Fortinet web site
15. Open Source Software.
Fortinet’sproductsmayinclude software modulesthat are licensed (or sublicensed) to the user under the GNU GeneralPublic License, Version
2, of June 1991 (“GPL”) or GNU Lesser GeneralPublic License, Version 2.1, of February1999 (“LGPL”) or other open source software licenses
which, among other rights, permit the user touse, copy, modifyand redistribute modules, or portionsthereof, and mayalso require attribution
disclosuresand accessto the source code ("Open Source Software"). The GPL requiresthat for anyOpen Source Software covered under the
GPL, which isdistributed to someone in an executable binaryformat, that the source code also be made available to those users. For anyOpen
Source Software covered under the GPL, the source code ismade available on thisCD or download package. If anyOpen Source Software
licensesrequire that Fortinet provide rightsto use, copyor modifya Open Source Software program that are broader than the rightsgranted in
thisagreement, then such rightsshalltake precedence over the rightsand restrictionsherein. Fortinet willprovide, for a charge reflecting our
standard distribution costs, the complete machine-readable copyof the modified software modules. To obtain a complete machine-readable
copy, please send your written request, along with a checkin the amount of US $25.00, to GeneralPublic License Source Code Request,
Fortinet, Inc., 899 Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA. In order to receive the modified software modules, you must also include the following
information: (a) Name, (b) Address, (c) Telephone number, (d) E-mailAddress, (e) Product purchased (if applicable), (f) Product SerialNumber (if
applicable). Allopen source software modulesare licensed free of charge. There isno warrantyfor these modules, to the extent permitted by
applicable law. The copyright holdersprovide these software modules“AS-IS” without warrantyof anykind, either expressed or implied. In no
event willthe copyright holder for the open source software be liable to you for damages, including anyspecial, incidentalor consequential
damagesarising out of the use or inabilityto use the software modules, even if such holder hasbeen advised of the possibilityof such damages. A
fullcopyof thislicense, including additionalopen source software license disclosuresand third partylicense disclosuresapplicable to certain
Fortinet products, mayobtained bycontacting Fortinet’sLegalDepartment at [email protected].
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThisLicense appliesto anyprogram or other workwhich containsa notice placed bythe copyright holder saying it maybe distributed under the
termsof thisGeneralPublic License. The "Program", below, refersto anysuch program or work, and a "workbased on the Program" means
either the Program or anyderivative workunder copyright law: that isto say, a workcontaining the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with
modificationsand/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation isincluded without limitation in the term "modification".) Each
licensee isaddressed as"you".
Activitiesother than copying, distribution and modification are not covered bythisLicense; theyare outside itsscope. The act of running the
Program isnot restricted, and the output from the Program iscovered onlyif itscontentsconstitute a workbased on the Program (independent of
having been made byrunning the Program). Whether that istrue dependson what the Program does.
1. You maycopyand distribute verbatim copiesof the Program'ssource code asyou receive it, in anymedium, provided that you conspicuously
and appropriatelypublish on each copyan appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact allthe noticesthat refer to this
License and to the absence of anywarranty; and give anyother recipientsof the Program a copyof thisLicense along with the Program. You
maycharge a fee for the physicalact of transferring a copy, and you mayat your option offer warrantyprotection in exchange for a fee.
2. You maymodifyyour copyor copiesof the Program or anyportion of it, thusforming a workbased on the Program, and copyand distribute
such modificationsor workunder the termsof Section 1 above, provided that you also meet allof these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified filesto carryprominent noticesstating that you changed the filesand the date of anychange.
b) You must cause anyworkthat you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part containsor isderived from the Program or anypart thereof, to be
licensed asa whole at no charge to allthird partiesunder the termsof thisLicense.
c) If the modified program normallyreadscommandsinteractivelywhen run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in
the most ordinaryway, to print or displayan announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there isno warranty(or
else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that usersmayredistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a
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