Place the Sliding Door Assemblies in Place
Apply Caulking to Fill all Gaps
Finally, Check for any gaps and fill all gaps larger than 5mm with
Take the Sliding Door Sub-Assemblies and place each inside the
Back Rail. The Cages are placed on top of the Cages with the Louver
material facing backwards this determines which side to place them
Attach the Front Sliding Door Rail
Place the front Sliding Door Rail infront of both Sliding Doors right
on top of the Splitter Screen. Make sure to place the Sliding Doors
inside the Door Rail. Push the Door Rail in place and make sure to
match the slots located on top of both the left and right cage.
Fully tighten the Front Sliding Door Rail
Using two 3/8” Bolts, one per slot, secure the Front Rail to the Cages.
Secure the bolts using a 9/16” wrench. Fully tighten all bolts on
both the left and right slots. Once both rails are fully secured, and
the sliding doors open perfectly, installation is now complete.