Video wall monitor controller
Color Range
1.3 VideoWall
This setting is required for VideoWall operation to map the monitors to the
X Max:
Number of columns into which the image is divided. (up to 11 columns)
Y Max:
Number of lines in which the image is divided. (up to 11 lines)
X position:
Column position of the monitor in the wall.
Y position:
Row position of the monitor in the wall.
X Gap:
Proportional value of the X-axis panel edge with the unit per thousand
Proportional value of the Y-axis panel edge with the unit per thousand
Set ID:
Assigned ID of the monitor (identification for IR Remote or RS232)
1.3.1 Adjust Set ID
After activating Set ID, the following window appears:
Here, the ID of each monitor is set to identify it in the wall configuration.
• The ID is important to be able to address the monitor individually via the IR Remote or the RS232.
The ID defines the total active monitors (in example 15) and the ID of the currently selected one (in example 11)
1.Press the BLUE button and then use 0 ~ 9 button to select the Active SET ID.
2.If Press the RED button, delete ID number.