. Long press the button ”M” and the button “+”, we entering the ID
auto-search status.
2). ID number is composed of 8 digits number. It completes the
automatical ID number matches until the previous seven numbers do not
. Long press the button “M” to exit the ID number setting. It’s ok for the
re-match program.
Note: Do not automatically search addressing when two or more
systems running at the same time.
After the ID setting, short press the “MODE” button to exit Level 2
settings. Or in any type of level 2
settings, long press “MODE” button , three
seconds later we can exit level 2 setting.
During Level 2 settings states
, long press key “+” and key “-” at the same
time, enter into the state of level 3 settings after 3 seconds.
13 Level 3 Settings
12.2 Exit Level 2 Setting