A gate is a useful tool for removing unwanted background noise, or merely isolating transients to create interesting performance
effects. The gate’s action reduces or cuts (cuts in this case) any of the signal that falls below a certain level so that only the loudest
sections are heard. When the signal is cut, the gate is described as closed.
The controls are:
THRESHOLD Knob – Sets the level at which the gate closes/opens from 0dB (maximum signal level) to -80dB (80dB below clipping
level). Rotate clockwise to raise the threshold. The higher the threshold, the more the signal is affected as the gate closes when the
signal falls below the threshold. So, set at 0dB (max), none of the signal will be heard as the gate will be permanently closed
HOLD Knob – Sets the amount of time that the gate stays open for when the signal rises above the threshold. Increasing this value
will mean that more of the signal is heard. Setting this to maximum will mean that faster transients will have
little or no effect on the gate, as the gate will remain open for longer periods of time (dependent on the threshold,
attack and release)
RANGE Knob – Sets the amount of gain reduction that occurs when the gate closes. Rotate anticlockwise to increase by up to 80dB
(scale is -80 to 0dB/max level). At the lowest setting (-80dB), the signal will virtually mute when the gate closes
GAIN REDUCTION Meter – Indicates when gating is occurring by showing the gain reduction that the signal is undergoing (when the
gate closes)
ATTACK Knob – Sets the speed at which the gate opens when the signal rises above the threshold. Rotate clockwise
to increase the attack time. The larger the attack time, the slower the gate will open and so the more likely faster level variations
will be unaffected, e.g. quick rises in level will pass through without being heard before the level falls again (dependent on the
threshold, hold and release)
RELEASE Knob – Sets the amount of time for which the gate closes, when the signal has fallen below the threshold. Rotate the dial
clockwise to increase the release time. The larger the release time, the slower the gate will close, resulting in more of the signal
being heard when the gate opens. Unlike hold, release is a gradual close so creates a gentler and less abrupt effect (dependent on
the threshold, attack and hold)
MODES – Sets the sidechain mode (whether one or both channels control the gate). These can be useful if wanting to gate a vocal
(connected to Input 1) with a guitar part (connected to Input 2) to create interesting performance effects. Click in a space on the
switch groove to set a different mode. The options are:
Normal: Left and Right channels (Inputs 1 and 2) are linked together – equal gain reduction on both sides - both inputs are heard
Left 1: Left channel (Input 1) gates the right channel (Input 2) – hear only the right channel (Input 2)
Left 2
Right 2
Left 1
Input 1
Input 2
Input 1
Input 2
Input 1
Input 2
Input 1
Input 2
Input 1
Input 2
Right 1
Left 2
Right 2
Left 1
Input 1
Input 2
Input 1
Input 2
Input 1
Input 2
Input 1
Input 2
Input 1
Input 2
Right 1