Inst I/P
An Instrument input is available on 1/4” jacks on either rear panel
or front panel. This is suitable for high impedance sources such as
guitars or bass pickups (which may be connected directly without
the need for a DI box), or synthesisers with low level outputs.
The TRIM control provides additional variable gain of 0 to +20dB
for MIC and LINE inputs (white legend), or 0 to +40dB for the
Instrument input (yellow legend).
Pr48V powering for condenser mics when pressed.
Pressing PHASE reverses the phase of the selected input, to
correct phase problems with close microphones or incorrect
wiring polarity.
EQ Module
All EQ
Pressing ALL EQ activates all sections of the EQ module (including
the Hi and Lo Pass Filters), placing the whole module in the audio
path. Toggling ALL EQ allows A/B comparison of EQ settings
without having to use BYPASS which switches both EQ and
Dynamics modules in or out of the audio path. The COMP and
GATE switches on individual EQ sections (see below) operate
independently from the ALL EQ switch.
Filter In
Press in to make the Hi and Lo Pass Filters active in the audio path.
This selection is cancelled if COMP or GATE is pressed.
Both filters provide
18dB/octave rolloff, and
since the filter
frequencies overlap they
may be configured as a
very tight bandpass filter
for creative compression
and gating; use when you
wish to select a specific
instrument or narrow
frequency band from a complex signal, then feed to the sidechain of
the compressor or gate.
Low Pass Filter
A variable control sets a rolloff frequency from 400Hz to 22kHz.
High Pass Filter
A variable control sets a rolloff frequency from 20Hz to 1k6Hz.
When the COMP switch is pressed both filters are inserted in the
Compressor sidechain for frequency-selective compression. This
selection is cancelled if FILTER IN or GATE is pressed.
When the GATE switch is pressed both filters are inserted in the
Gate sidechain to assist accurate drum gating. This selection is
cancelled if FILTER IN or COMP is pressed.
Two separate bands of parametric EQ are provided, each with
continuously variable boost/cut with centre detent, sweep control
with two ranges, and variable Q. The first band covers the range
40Hz to 400Hz (120Hz to 1k2Hz when x3 is pressed) and the
second band covers 600Hz to 6kHz (1.8kHz to 18kHz when x3 is
Param EQ In
Press in to switch the
Parametric EQ into the
signal path. This selection is
cancelled if GATE or
COMP is pressed.
The Sweep controls have
two ranges, the higher being selected when the x3 switch is
pressed (frequencies shown in yellow on the panel).
When the COMP switch is pressed, the Parametric EQ is inserted
in the Compressor sidechain allowing frequency-selective
compression. This selection is cancelled if PARAM EQ IN or GATE
is pressed.
ISA 430 Manual (multilanguage) 20/1/2000 9:06 am Page 4