FireWriter Software Upgrade Mode
With the FireWriter Remote software you can automatically upgrade your FireWriter CG software. To do
this perform the following steps:
The new software must already exist on your PC in order to perform the following steps. You can get the
download instructions from the FOCUS Enhancements Website using the following URL:
and click on the FireWriter CG picture. It’s also a good idea to verify the
current version of the FireWriter software. To do this hit the C SHIFT + V keys on the
FireWriter keyboard. This will display the current software version number.
Connect to the FireWriter you wish to upgrade.
Click on All Files mode.
Click on Software Mode.
Highlight the new software upgrade file on the PC.
Click on the Copy Software button.
Click on Disconnect (once the software has been transferred).
Once the Copy File has been completed and you have properly disconnected the FireWriter Remote
application from the FireWriter CG you will need to recycle the power on the FireWriter CG. To verify that
the new software was properly loaded hit the C SHIFT + V keys on the FireWriter keyboard.
This will display the current software version number.
Application Menu
The application menu allows you to exit the FireWriter Remote application. You can also exit the
application by clicking on the Close button located at the top right hand corner of the application window.