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P a g e
Save button
- Click here to save the TAG settings. Do take note that
changes won’t be saved if user do not click save icon.
TAG image
- Picture taken during setting up TAG profile will appear as
TAG image.
TAG name
- Enter TAG name here.
TAG Color
- Choose the TAG color here, user can also choose to click
picture or select from the photo library.
Camera - Click here to take picture or choose from photo library.
Coverage Distance - Use this option to set the coverage distance. If user set the
coverage distance (let’s say in the middle) then upon
getting far from the TAG he/she will get the first alert on
the smartphone stating that TAG is getting far and second
alert will pop-up once the TAG is completely out of the
bluetooth range, stating that the TAG is disconnected. If
user does not adjust the coverage distance (default) then
he/she will only get an alert for disconnection.
7.4.1. Tag’s Settings
Power Off lock
Disconnected Tone by Tag