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page, a shared bike will depict a “FoboShare” logo at the bottom of bike profile
image to distinguish a shared bike from an owned bike.
Tire rotation
This feature is useful when you have sensors that mixed up and you are not certain
which sensor goes to which tire position. It is used to instate the sensor to new tire
If the sensors have been removed from the valves, please screw the sensors back
onto the tire valves. Select the Bike profile that you wish to perform this function.
At the Bike status screen, click the icon at the top left of the screen to call up the
Setting Menu. Select “Rotate Tire”, and then follow the instruction on the screen.
You are now ready to use FOBO Bike with the new tire positions. You can perform
tire rotation as often as you want.
Disable sensor and Replace new sensor
You may want to disable a sensor due to lost sensor or damaged sensor. In the case
of lost sensor, disabling the lost sensor in the App will stop the alert for missing
sensor. To disable sensor, select the Bike profile that you want to disable the sensor.
At the Bike status screen, click the icon at the top left to call up the Setting Menu.
Select “Disable/Install sensor”, then follow the instruction on the screen. You will
see “Disabled” inside the box corresponding to the disabled tire position, the box
will be greyed out too. Take note that FOBO Bike will stop monitoring tire for a
disabled sensor position.
In case the lost sensor is found or you have purchased a new replacement sensor,
you may want to install onto the “Disabled” tire position. Note that you can only
install replacement sensor after the tire position has been “Disabled”. To install
replacement sensor, go to the Setting Menu and select “Disable/Install sensor”, then
follow the instruction on the screen.
Uninstall/Release FOBO Bike
At the Home screen, select the Bike that you want to release. You will come to the
Bike status screen. Select the icon at the top left of the screen to call out the Setting
Menu. Select “Release Bike Sensors” and follow the instruction on the screen.
You will see “Released” in the corresponding boxes of the released sensors.