- 14 -
Quick Manual Tare (*):
The system allows to define a value of quick manual tare. To do this without leaving the
weight mode, you must press the F3 key (This option does not work if the piece-
counting mode is enabled). When doing so, the equipment enters in editing mode of
manual tare showing a tare value with the rightmost digit flashing. To change the tare
value shown, use the alphanumeric keypad, with the key LEFT we leave without validating
and the key F validate the tare value introduced, doing a Tare in the equipment while Tare
gets blocked.
For example, with a weight of 7.112 we enter a manual tare 1,538, after validating the F
key on the display will be shown:
When manual tare is activated, the printing of tare on a ticket is accompanied by the
symbol "PR" to indicate that the weighing is carried out with a manual tare.
1 PR: 1.538 5.574
The tare lock function is only available if initial zero option (INIT.Z) has
been enabled in the WE.CTR programming submenu.