Operating instructions - digital oval gear meter and pulse meter
7. Routine operation
The turbine flow meter comes pre-assembled and ready to go.
Even after periods of prolonged storage, it will be ready for operation without any lengthy preparations.
The only action that may be necessary from time to time during normal operation is to reset the registers
of partial and/or resettable total volumes.
To accomplish that, call up the two displays for normal operation. The first normal operation display
contains the partial volume and resettable total volume (RESET TOTAL). The other display shows the
partial volume and the non-resettable (absolute) TOTAL volume. The LCD automatically switches between
resettable and absolute total in a given period of time. This has been set at the factory and cannot be
influenced by the user.
The register of the absolute total (TOTAL) cannot be reset by the user. It will continue counting during the
entire lifetime of the meter. The resettable and non-resettable registers of total volumes (RESET TOTAL and
TOTAL) share the same ‚window‘ and the same digits of the LCD display. For that reason, the two numbers
cannot be viewed at the same time.
The oval gear meter has been programmed so that the one or the other total is visible at certain moments /
in certain modes during operation (never both at a time):
The absolute total volume (TOTAL) is visible in standby mode.
The resettable total (RESET TOTAL) is visible at the following times / in the following modes:
- For a short moment (several seconds) after resetting the (resettable) partial volume.
- During the output of liquid.
A few seconds after output of the liquid this short time span expires and the meter switches to standby
mode. The display of the bottom register shows the absolute total volume.
For the display of total volumes, there are 6 digits available, plus two icons x10/x100.
The increments are activated in the following sequence:
0,0 ---> 99999,9 ---> 999999 ---> 100000 x10 ---> 999999 x10 ---> 100000 x100 --->
999999 x100
7.1 Output of liquid during standard operation (Normal Mode)
During standard output of liquid, the meter will count and at the same time display the volume having
gone through the device so far, and the resettable total (RESET TOTAL).
Accidental pressing of the RESET or TOTAL button does not have any effect in this state.