Place the wing onto the top of the fuselage. Secure
the wing with two rubber bands, straight from the front
to the rear pegs. Attach two additional rubber bands
diagonally over the top of the wing. Only use four
rubber bands to attach the wing to the fuselage.
Your model comes out of the box “factory balanced.”
The following information takes you through the
process of balancing the model should you need to
do so.
Use a fi ne-point felt-tip pen to mark the balance range
on both sides of the
of the wing according to
the measurements shown in the photo. Note that the
measurements are from the
, or leading edge
of the wing.
With the battery in place, lift the model with your
fi ngertips between the lines under the wing. Position
your fi ngertips where necessary to get the model to
sit level, or “balance”. If your fi ngertips are between
the lines, the SkyFly 2 is ready to fl y.
If the model balances with your fi ngertips ahead
of the lines, weight will have to be added to the tail
to get it to balance. Tail weight may be stuck to the
bottom of the stabilizer at the center. Be sure that any
added weight does not interfere with the operation of
the elevator.
If the model balances with your fi ngertips behind the
lines, weight will have to be added to the nose to get
the model to balance. Nose-weight may be stuck to
the upper inside of the fuselage Stick-on lead weight
may be purchased from your local hobby shop.
Stick on as much weight as required to get the model
to balance when lifted by your fi ngers between the
lines. If you add any weight, recheck the balance.