Digital Proportional Radio Control System
4.4 Stick Calibration
This function is used to set the neutral position for throttle and wheel.
E v e r y t ra n s m i tt e r i s c a l i b ra t e d b e f o r e l e a v i n g t h e fa c t o r y, h o w e v e r i f r e c a l i b ra t i o n i s
required,please follow these steps:
1. Turn and hold the wheel as far clockwise as it will turn, hold the throttle all the way
forward, then turn on the transmitter in calibration mode.
• The R.LED and G.LED will flash twice.
• Car Battery the D3 yellow keeps on
2. Calibrate wheel: Turn the wheel completely clockwise, then completely counterclockwise.
• When calibration is completed the R.LED will be off.
• Car Battery the D3 red keeps on
3. Trigger calibration: Pull the trigger back then forward as far as it will go.
• When calibration is completed the G.LED will be off.
• Car Battery the D3 Green keeps on
4.Both Wheel and rigger are Calibration passed
• the two-colors light is off
5. Once calibration is complete press the bind key to save and exit.
4.5 Power Off
• Make sure to disconnect the receiver power before turning off the transmitter. Failure
to do so may lead to damage or serious injury.
Follow the steps below to turn off the system:
1. Disconnect the receiver power.
2. Toggle the transmitter's power switch to the off position.
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