APX9102 User Manual
General Voicemail Settings
Extension for checking Message: This option, i.e. “*97” defines the extension that users call in order to access their voicem ail accounts.
Direct Voicemail Dial: Check this to enable direct voicemail dial. For instance, if Lily‟s extension is 6003, you would be ab le to directly dial into Lily‟s
voicemail box by dialing #6003 to leave her a message.
Max Greeting: Set the maximum number of sec
onds for a user‟s voicemail greeting.
Dial‟0‟ for Operator: Enable callers to exit the voicemail application and connect to an operator extension. The operator ext ension must be defined on the
“Options” panel.
Maximum messages per folder: This select box sets the maximum number of messages that a user may have in any of their folders.
Maximum message Time: This select box sets the maximum duration of a voicemail message in seconds. Message recording will not occur for times
greater than this amount,
Minimum message Time: This select box sets the minimum duration of a voicemail message in seconds. Message below this threshold wil l be
automatically deleted.
Say Message Caller-ID: If this option is enabled, the caller ID of the party that left the message wil l be played back before the voicemail message begins
Say Message Duration(in minutes): If this option is set, the duration of the message in mintues will be played back before th e voicemail message begins
Allow callers to Review: Checki ng this option allows the caller to review their message before it is submitted as a new voicemail message.
Play Envelope: Turn on/off playing introductions about each message when accessing them from the voicemail application.