Every time your transmitter is turned on, it will look for the receiver.
With the receiver installed and the flight board attached to a charged battery the
receiver will blink off/ orange.
Put the left stick all the way down (throttle off) and turn on the transmitter while
holding it within about 1 foot from the receiver board. You will hear one beep and
the transmitter LED indicator will turn solid green. The receiver indicator will also
turn solid green.
Now the receiver board is paired to the transmitter.
Troubleshooting this step:
* If the transmitter is too far away from the receiver, you will not hear a beep and the
transmitter LED will continue to flash red.
** If the left joystick is not all the way down when pairing, the reciever will refuse to
bind and will instead reset itself and flash yellow/orange. Put the left stick all the
way down and cycle the power on the transmitter.
We suggest reading all the way through these instructions before beginning.
There are 3 things you need to do to with either the app or the joystick control-
ler to fly:
(aka binding) the reciever board it to the flight control board - that
ensures the flight control board, reciver board and your joystick controller are
Arming -
which means props are able to spin.
- stopping props from spinning.
If you’re flying with the app, go ahead and follow the 1, 2, 3 steps on the home-
screen to get airborne. It may be handy however, to read through the external
controller instructions to better understand how the app operates.!
Taking Flight
1. Pairing the receiver board to the transmitter
(joystick controller)
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