T e in rared sensor allo s ands- ree lus ing ensuring giene and a bacteria- ree en iron ent
uto atic ands- ree lus ing unction is especiall bene icial to t e andicapped elderl in ir ed and
oung c ildren
T e sensor is po ered b 4
batteries so t ere is no need or a all outlet It is not li ited b an oltage
re uire ents and t ere is no danger o electric s oc Under nor al operating conditions batter li e
goes be ond 1 ear
Designed it out using an electronic parts or electric iring inside t e tan It also eans less proble s and
a longer li e or e er S art Toilet
ireless sensor as installation
Fle ible installation its ost tan designs It can be used it id to standard eig t ater tan s and all
standard toilet bo ls It can be installed on ne Cs or it can be used to upgrade e isting Cs
Can be used bot or co
ercial and residential restroo s
Power Supply
Sensor Unit
4 l aline T pe
Solenoid Valve Assembly
4 l aline T pe
i e
2 plus ear 100 lus es da
Po er Consu ption
3 or less
o atter arning
Flas es on
SensorT pe
In rared
e oteT pe
F ireless e ote Control 315M
Sensor ange
5 ~ 10 cm
Flus Ti e
d ustable
Flus olu e
9 liter ad ustable
Mec anical i e
O er 500 000 lus es
ater Inlet Pipe ore
PF1 2
pplicable ater Pressure
0 5 g c
pplicable Tan s
id to standard eig t ater tan it lus
andle installed on t e ront