Appendix – Model 6021
The Hart Scientific 6021 is a heated bath adapted for use with a chiller. A
switch on the back of the controller permits the use of the chiller in an auto-
mated or manual mode.
The information contained here is in addition to that in the Section 5 (Installa-
tion ) of this manual.
The bath and chiller must be level and operating in an appropriate environment
prior to installation. Refer to the chiller manual for details on chiller installa-
tion, filling and operation. The general installation of a chiller is as follows.
Connect the tubing lines between the chiller and the bath. Quick-discon-
nect fittings, if installed on chiller, make attaching tubing lines easy. Be
sure the lines fit securely on the chiller so they do not disconnect during
operation. Either cooling tube on the 6021 bath may be used as inlet or
If the hoses are not connected to the 6021 bath already, connect them se-
curely with hose clamps. Silicone rubber tubing is typically used, al-
though resistant to high temperatures it is not compatible with silicone
If applicable, fill the chiller with the appropriate fluid to between 1 and
1.5 inches below the lid. If unsure on how to fill the chiller, consult the
chiller manual. Water works for most applications. After operating the
chiller for a short period of time, check the fluid level in the chiller. More
fluid may have to be added to the chiller, due to fluid required to fill the
newly attached system. DO NOT use the chiller above it’s maximum rec-
ommended temperature. Some chillers automatically cut out when the
maximum operating temperature is exceeded (consult the chiller manual
for more information).
Water left in the 6021 bath cooling coils will boil as the bath
temperature increases above the boiling point. This process is slow and
safe as long as the lines to the chiller are unobstructed. Otherwise, a dan-
gerous health hazard may exist.
Connect the power plug for the chiller to the Auxiliary Chiller Outlet on
the rear of the 6021 controller. The bath also needs to be setup and pow-
ered on. Use the appropriate mains voltage with an adequate current ca-
pacity available. Refer to Section 3.1, Specifications and Environmental
Conditions for all power requirements and specifications.
If the bath is in high heat mode or switched to high heat mode, the chiller
output is automatically disabled. Therefore, high heat mode will override
14 Appendix – Model 6021