Flight Manual LS1-f
Issued May 2011
Copyright DG Flugzeugbau GmbH - any copy or publishing prohibited
Free flight
Stalling characteristics
(straight and turning flight)
When reaching the stall the aircraft begins to oscillate around it’s
longitudinal axis and one wing may drop. The pilot may prevent the wing
drop by using the ailerons. Aileron effectiveness is still available, but
reaction speed is reduced.
Pronounced rudder deflection in the direction of the lower wing will result
in a full stall. If the C.G. is in a rearward position this may result in a spin.
The glider can be recovered from the stall by easing the stick forward and
with sufficient rudder opposite to direction of turn
Loss of height is approx. 40m (130ft). For stall airspeeds see section 5.2.
With empty water tanks,
leave dump valve open to avoid pressure
pick-up in waterballast-system due to changes of altitude.
system when changing altitude.
Flights in conditions conducive to lightning strikes must be avoided.
High speed flying
The LS1-f / LS1-f (45) can be trimmed almost up to high speeds.
Nevertheless don't release the stick at any time.
Watch airspeed indication because red line speed may easily be exceeded
inadvertently due to the shallow descent angle and low wind noise.
Do not exceed the max. permissible airspeeds (see sect. 2.2).
If redline speed is exceeded for any reason, extend the airbrakes
Retraction and extension of the airbrakes is possible up to VNE.