Valtek ShearStream SB Ball Valves VLENDS4152-00-A4 05/15
Useful life
Based on general field failure data and a low demand mode of operation, a useful life period of approximately 10 to 15
years is expected for the Shearstream SB Ball Valve.
For high demand mode applications, the useful lifetime of the mechanical parts is limited by the number of cycles. The
useful lifetime of the mechanical parts is > 10,000 full scale cycles or 8 to 10 years, whichever results in the shortest
Notification of failures
In case of malfunction of the system or SIF, the Shearstream SB Ball Valve shall be put out of operation and the process
shall be kept in a safe state by other measures.
NAF AB must be informed when the Shearstream SB Ball Valve is required to be replaced due to failure. The occurred
failure shall be documented and reported to Flowserve representative or directly to NAF AB using the contact details on
the back cover of this safety manual.