Installing the HyPlex® Prime Major Maintenance Kit
SB-0259 Rev A Status: PRODUCTION
8 of 10
2011 Flow International Corporation
PRINTED 7/29/11
Assemble the filler tube
The filler tube sleeve helps align the poppet with the check valve body and prevents pinching of the
poppet between the check valve and the filler tube during assembly.
Place the dynamic seal compression spring
into the tapered end of the filler tube.
Insert the filler tube, spring end first, into
the high-pressure cylinder, making sure to
engage the spring into the dynamic seal.
Repeat for remaining filler tubes.
Insert inlet poppet assembly into the filler
tube, spring end first.
Partially install the filler tube sleeve so that
it surrounds the inlet poppet and spring.
Repeat for the remaining filler tube assemblies.
Install the end cap
It is important that you do not let the end cap spring back while
installing. If it does, the inlet poppet can be pinched, causing damage.
Make sure all the split bearings (bushings) are completely seated in the end cap.
Incorrect installation will cause inappropriate loading of the high-pressure position.
Make sure all eight of the end cap split bearings
(bushings) are installed in the end cap.
Align the end cap so it will slide over the tie rods, then
carefully slide the end cap back until the check valve
makes contact with the inlet poppet.
Continue sliding the end cap back until the high-pressure
cylinder engages the o-ring in the end cap and the check
valve seats against the high-pressure cylinder.
Temporarily install one of the hex nuts, hand tight, to
prevent the end cap from springing back.
Follow Steps 1-4 to install the other two end caps, then
continue with Step 5.
Apply anti-seize compound to both sides of the washers and to the tie rod threads.
Install washers and hex nuts hand tight.
Remove the temporarily installed hex nuts. Apply anti-seize to both sides of the washers and
threads, then reinstall the nuts.