Cleanup for Water-Based Paints
1. Remove Pump Handle Assembly from the Paint Container and pour any unused paint back into
can. Rinse with lukewarm water until all paint residue is gone.
2. Attach Faucet Adapter to Faucet.
3. Place end of Pump Tube fully into Faucet Adapter.
4. Attach Cleaning Attachment onto Pump Handle. Note: “U-Shaped” end of clip goes over hose; 2
“hook” ends of clip go over handle.
5. Hold painting attachment over drain and SLOWLY open tap to let water flow through hose to flush
paint out of system until water flows clear.
6. Disassemble all parts & attachments and rinse with lukewarm water to remove any paint on
exterior parts, pat dry with a cloth and let all foam parts air dry before storage.
When all parts are clean and dry, store in a clean, dry, dust-free environment. The Pump Handle
Assembly should be reattached to Paint Container to keep dust or other contaminates out.