User’s Guide 427-0011-00-10 Version 100
Streaming video can also be viewed using an off-the-shelf player such as Quicktime
or VLC from VideoLAN. Open a Network Stream then select RTSP and type the
camera IP address followed by the stream name (nfov = narrow field of view, wfov
= wide field of view and vis = visible) as follows: EX: rtsp://
Figure 8:
Video Streaming using VLC
Finally, two DB9 connectors are used for communication as shown here:
Communication via RS-422 with the connector labeled “P3” and the other is for
maintenance labeled “P4”. The protocol on “P3” is 422/Pelco D (see functions
listed in Table 1: Pelco D Command List)
Figure 9: RS-422
DB-9 (USER P3)
Figure 10:
DB-9 (Maintenance)
RS-422 DB9 Pin or “USER P3”
COM 1 Tx A (-)
Signal OUT
Pin 2
COM 1 Rx B (+)
Signal IN
Pin 3
Pin 5
COM 1 Tx B (+)
Signal OUT
Pin 7
COM 1 Rx A (-)
Signal IN
Pin 8