Q: My FL-760A powers up and transmits but I have no sidetone, no ICS audio and no radio
receive audio.
Again, if you happened to source a pre-wired harness from Aircraft Spruce and Specialty
(estimate July-Sept 2019) we have seen at least a couple instances where they used Stereo
Headphone Jacks for both Pilot and Co-Pilot headphone connections. Check these jacks – if they
look very similar to Mic Jacks (they have tabs for Tip and Ring + Base) these are Stereo Jacks.
There is no Stereo aspect to the FL-760A. The correct headphone jacks should simply be mono
with a single tab for the Tip (+ Base). We found the defective harnesses had the headphone audio
line soldered to the Ring on the incorrect Stereo Jack and this was grounding the headset audio
when a Mono Headset was plugged in. Contact Aircraft Spruce if you confirm you have stereo
headphone jacks on your prewired FL-760A harness, as they will correct this issue and get you
Q: What is the “TOT” acronym in the Setup instructions on Page 11 of the Operations Manual
referring to??
TOT is essentially a “Timed Out Transmit” feature of the radio or sometimes known as a “Stuck
Mic” feature. The setting selections are OFF, 1 min, 3 mins, or 5 mins. If the transmitter is
activated and stays on due to a stuck mic situation, the radio will automatically release the
transmitter when it reaches the TOT time. Factory default setting is 5 mins.
Q: What is the “BLO” acronym in the Setup instructions on Page 11 of the Operations Manual
referring to??
BLO stands for “Busy Lock Out” and if turned on will not allow you to transmit if there is receive
audio detected in the radio. In other words, if someone is talking on the frequency already you
will be precluded from stepping on them because the FL-760A transmitter will be Locked Out until
the channel is clear and no receive audio is heard. We have all flown and monitored a CTAF
channel like 122.8 and are constantly hearing whistles and squeals from pilots stepping on each
other. The BLO feature of the FL-760A helps minimize and mitigate this. Factory default for BLO
is OFF.
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