PF7/PF7+ Peristaltic Filler with QC14 Pumphead User Manual
16.6 Setting the pump administrator
Initial setup of the pump establishes an administrator user. Additional users can be
added after setup. Refer to "Users" on page 110.
Enter a username for the pump administrator. The default username is USER1.
If you have multiple PF7+ pumps, set up a common
administrator username and password for every pump.
This will allow importing and exporting of data from a USB
flash drive for faster configuration of multiple pumps.
Refer to "Backup and reset" on page 116.
16.7 Setting a password
Keep a record of passwords!
When logging in there are 5 attempts to enter the correct
password before the user will be 'blocked'. Refer to "Block user"
on page 111.
If the service user is blocked, there is no way to service or recover
the pump without the administrator password. Refer to "Returning
pumps" on page 171 for service and recovery.
The option to block the service user is only available if FDA 21CFR
Part 11 compliance is enabled.
If you lose your password contact your local WMFTG or Flexicon