FLEXESERVE® | Operation Manual Flexeserve Hub® | V1 AUG 2020 | 40002982
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Only if the operator has been trained and is skilled in the operation of the equipment
covered in this guide should this information be followed.
Do NOT attempt to cook products in the equipment.
Do NOT place anything heavier than 25kg (55.1Ibs) on to the display surface.
The equipment will only maintain the temperature of products that have initially been cooked, prior to
display. Ensure that food is transferred to the display area immediately after cooking in appropriate
containers or packaging.
Ensure that temperatures of the displayed products are checked and recorded on a regular basis, in
accordance with local regulations.
The temperature of the unit is displayed by the controller and is for indication of operating temperature
only. Do NOT use this as a reference to core temperature of foods on display; regular temperature probing
of the product is to be performed.
The minimum and maximum set-point values have been pre-set in the factory to prevent the equipment
holding temperatures from being adjusted beyond legal and safety limits. These can only be adjusted by
a Flexeserve® appointed engineer.
To view the set temperature of the unit, press the ‘temperature’ button for half a second, and then release.
To change the temperature of the unit, press and hold the ‘temperature’ button and press the arrow
buttons to increase (
) or decrease (
) the temperature. When the ‘temperature’ button is released, the
new value is stored. After the temperature has been set, the display will revert back to the operating
temperature, which will rise or fall as it reaches the set temperature.
Flexeserve Hub® is manufactured to comply with health and safety regulations. You must operate the
equipment properly using only calibrated temperature probes to ensure food is thoroughly cooked to the
safe standards according to local regulations.