20.4 – Windshield cleaning (acrylic)
1- Clean superficial dirt using just water
2- Utilize soft cloth and mild soap
3- Rinse thoroughly
Remove small scratches with a soft clean cloth and automotive wax.
Be careful when cleaning parts. A dry cloth and many glass cleaners
may cause scratches. Solvents attack the surface.
20.5 – Upholstery cleaning
Wipe the fabric with a soft sponge or brush, mild soap and warm water.
drying in a well ventilated place, without direct contact with the sun.
Remove the upholstery of the bat when not in us
with the finish of the
20.6– Cleaning products NOT TO BE USED on board.
Rugged sponges or steel sponges should be avoided altogether, either to clean fiberglass surfaces or to
clean metal or stainless steel parts. Not
serious problems penetrating the fiber and forming rust spots which are impossible to remove. Chlorine
based cleansers, as well as abrasive soaps are also not recommended they can be chemically ha
to the gel coat, and may compromise the brightness of the surfaces.
21 – Before navigation
21.1 - Check-list so you don't forget anything
Set the destination: Never leave the dock without first knowing where you are going to. Take a good
look at the nautical chart and do not be ashamed to ask everything about the region to those who know
it well. Make a navigation plan, prioritizing the short paths. And do not forget the nautical charts.
Check the tide table: If you go to sea, check also the tide
and not being able to return. Or, worse, running aground.
Check the weather forecast: Check the local forecast well before setting off, especially in summer,
when storms are most frequent.
Lightweight sunscreen: A moving boat generates wind, which masks the heat. But the sun continues to
Clothes: It is essential to carry warm clothing on board, even if the day is warm and beautiful. Time
suddenly changes and what was a hot day turns into an unbearable col
Fuel up to one-third more fuel: The basic safety rule dictates that you use one third of fuel to go,
another third to come back and the same amount as the margin for contingencies. There are two
issues you should consider at this point: how much fue
Owner’s Manual – Small boats up to 10ft
Windshield cleaning (acrylic)
erficial dirt using just water
tilize soft cloth and mild soap
emove small scratches with a soft clean cloth and automotive wax.
Be careful when cleaning parts. A dry cloth and many glass cleaners
may cause scratches. Solvents attack the surface.
sponge or brush, mild soap and warm water. Use cold water to rinse and allow
in a well ventilated place, without direct contact with the sun. Mold may appear if ventilation is not
Remove the upholstery of the bat when not in use as they can interfere
with the finish of the gel coat.
Cleaning products NOT TO BE USED on board.
Rugged sponges or steel sponges should be avoided altogether, either to clean fiberglass surfaces or to
clean metal or stainless steel parts. Not only they can scratch the gel coat, its residues can cause
serious problems penetrating the fiber and forming rust spots which are impossible to remove. Chlorine
based cleansers, as well as abrasive soaps are also not recommended they can be chemically ha
, and may compromise the brightness of the surfaces.
t so you don't forget anything
Set the destination: Never leave the dock without first knowing where you are going to. Take a good
the nautical chart and do not be ashamed to ask everything about the region to those who know
it well. Make a navigation plan, prioritizing the short paths. And do not forget the nautical charts.
Check the tide table: If you go to sea, check also the tide table. Otherwise, you run the risk of leaving
and not being able to return. Or, worse, running aground.
Check the weather forecast: Check the local forecast well before setting off, especially in summer,
when storms are most frequent.
n: A moving boat generates wind, which masks the heat. But the sun continues to
Clothes: It is essential to carry warm clothing on board, even if the day is warm and beautiful. Time
suddenly changes and what was a hot day turns into an unbearable cold day.
third more fuel: The basic safety rule dictates that you use one third of fuel to go,
another third to come back and the same amount as the margin for contingencies. There are two
issues you should consider at this point: how much fuel you will carry and at what speed. From there
Small boats up to 10ft
Be careful when cleaning parts. A dry cloth and many glass cleaners
Use cold water to rinse and allow
Mold may appear if ventilation is not
e as they can interfere
Rugged sponges or steel sponges should be avoided altogether, either to clean fiberglass surfaces or to
, its residues can cause
serious problems penetrating the fiber and forming rust spots which are impossible to remove. Chlorine-
based cleansers, as well as abrasive soaps are also not recommended they can be chemically harmful
Set the destination: Never leave the dock without first knowing where you are going to. Take a good
the nautical chart and do not be ashamed to ask everything about the region to those who know
it well. Make a navigation plan, prioritizing the short paths. And do not forget the nautical charts.
table. Otherwise, you run the risk of leaving
Check the weather forecast: Check the local forecast well before setting off, especially in summer,
n: A moving boat generates wind, which masks the heat. But the sun continues to
Clothes: It is essential to carry warm clothing on board, even if the day is warm and beautiful. Time
third more fuel: The basic safety rule dictates that you use one third of fuel to go,
another third to come back and the same amount as the margin for contingencies. There are two
l you will carry and at what speed. From there