The exact position and fit of the coals may be finely adjusted to give the most
pleasing and random appearance.
Warning : Use only the coals supplied with the fire. When replacing the
coals remove the old coals and discard them. Fit a complete set of
coals of the correct type. Do not fit additional coals or any coals
other than a genuine replacement set.
This appliance uses fuel effect pieces containing Refractory Ceramic Fibres (R.C.F.), which are
man-made vitreous silicate fibres. Excessive exposure to these materials may cause temporary
irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Consequently, it makes sense to take care when
handling these articles to ensure that the release of dust is kept to a minimum. To ensure that the
release of fibres from these R.C.F. articles is kept to a minimum, during installation & servicing we
recommend that you use a HEPA filtered vacuum to remove any dust and soot accumulated in and
around the fire, before and after working on the fire. When replacing these articles we
recommend that the replaced items are not broken up, but are sealed within a heavy duty poly-
thene bag, clearly labelled as “RCF waste”. This is not classified as “hazardous waste” and may
be disposed of at a tipping site licensed for the disposal of industrial waste. Protective clothing is
not required when handling these arrticles, but we do recommend you follow the normal hygiene
rules of not smoking, eating or drinking in the work area, and always wash your hands before
eating or drinking. This appliance does not contain any component manufactured from asbestos
or asbestos related products.
The only user replaceable parts on this fire are the fuelbed components and coals
which may be replaced as described in the above section. Replacement of any
other parts must be carried out by a competent person such as a GAS SAFE
registered gas installer.
The part numbers of the user replaceable parts are as follows, these are available
from BFM Europe Ltd whose contact details may be found overpage.
Fuelbed base
Fuelbed front rails (L/H & R/H)
Replacement coal set