Operator’s Handbook for
Fassmer rescue boats Type RR 4.2
Document 40.0420-
Art. No. 135897
Mod. 0 Lange/WZ 03.11.2006
3.2 Other operating situations:
3.2.1 Lowering from a vessel moving ahead:
All rescue boats are designed for lowering with the vessel making headway of
up to 5 knots or under the influence of a corresponding heavy current or wind.
In such cases the following is to be observed:
Correct attachment and length of painter is very important in order to keep
the boat as upright as possible under davit.
When the hook is released, and before painter is released run the engine
If possible a member of the crew can use a boat hook to fend the bow
away from the ship.
3.2.2 Lowering into seaway:
It may be necessary to launch into rougher seas where the rise and fall of the
water level will cause severe motions and possibly damage the boat. Once
waterborne the boat will pitch and heave making immediate departure very
important. The following points can help in such a situation:
Lower davit wire so far until it is slack in the wave through. This will prevent
the hook snatching and shock loading the boat and davit.
As soon as the boat touches the water, put the engine slow ahead and the
rudder hard over to direct the bow towards the ship’s side, with the stern
out. When the hook is released the davit block will swing away from the
If possible a crewman with boathook can assist with this process and the
helmsman can then power the engine full astern to get clear.
3.2.3 Towing:
Rescue boats are able to tow the largest liferaft of the ship with at least
2 knots.
For boats with outboard engine:
The towing line is attached at the two attachments points or clamps at
transom for equal distribution of towing force and straight run ahead.
Hard chocks on towing line have to be avoided.
If the boat itselfs get towed, use painter fitting to moor towing rope. The
max. towing speed for liferafts is 3 kts., for the boat max. 5 kts.
max. 3kts.
During towing pay attention that towing rope is kept free from
propulsion unit to prevent blocking and damage of propulsion.