Flare MOUSTACHE Скачать руководство пользователя страница 22



 Extreme flight maneuvres



The FLARE MOUSTACHE should be flown by seasoned pilots with experience

in extreme conditions. Your FLARE MOUSTACHE is a very stable glider, but

collapses can still happen in strong turbulence. It is crucial to understand that

the MOUSTACHE is more likely to collapse when flying in ‘full speed’ position.  

Collapses will be much more violent when flying faster.

The inherent turn toward the collapsed side of the glider can be minimized 

by braking the open side. With large collapses, brake the open side careful-

ly to avoid stalling the wing. If the collapse doesn’t open despite braking and 

weight shifting on the open side, you can speed up the opening process by 

repeatedly pumping the brake on the collapsed side.


When you get a big frontal collapse  there is a risk of the MOUSTACHE form-

ing a horseshoe shape. To avoid the horseshoe, give it a quick, symetric deep 

pump on the brake handles. This way your MOUSTACHE will reopen. 



This type of disturbance has never occurred during test flights with the 

FLARE MOUSTACHE. However, it is possible in extremely turbulent air or 

due to a pilot error that part of the wing could get tangled in the lines.

The pilot should first stabilize the glider by carefully braking the open side.  

Without pilot reaction, a cravat can cause a glider to enter a stable spiral dive! 

To clear the cravat, there are two possibilities:

>   Pumping the affected side until deflation of the wing occurs.

>   Fullstall. 






The MOUSTACHE never showed a tendency to parachutal stall in the entire 

development phase. Despite this, it is possible to perform a parachutal stall. 

Gliders with porous material (UV radiation) are especially susceptible . 

A parachutal stall can also occur when the glider is flown in rain (soaks up 

moisture). The glider has no forward speed and a high sink rate.

Extreme flight maneuvres 


The FLARE MOUSTACHE will recover from a parachutal stall by releasing the

brakes to ‘full speed’ position immediately.









A parakite enters a negative spin when one side of the wing is stalled. 

The canopy rotates around the vertical axis with the center of rotation located 

within the wingspan. The inside wing flies backwards. 

There are two causes for the negative spin:

>   One brake is pulled too far and too hard (e.g. when entering a spiral dive)

>   One brake is pulled too hard when flying slowly. 

If an accidental negative spin is exited immediately, the FLARE MOUSTACHE 

will normally resume flight without much altitude loss. Just release the brake 

line that was pulled too far until the airflow is restored to the inside wing. 

After a long negative spin, the canopy may surge forward on one side. 

This could result in an impulsive collapse. 


Alternating left and right turns as the bank angle is gradually increased. 

If wingovers are flown high with a large bank angle, the outside wing tip may 

loose pressure and start to feel light. In this case, don’t increase the bank 

angle any more as the tip could collapse impulsively.









A full stall can be performed with the MOUSTACHE by pulling the brakes 

below ‘minimum speed’ position. It is very important to initiate the full stall 

in a rather slow manner to avoid having the wing fall too far behind the pilot. 


Содержание MOUSTACHE


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Страница 15: ...ion that will help you quickly get to know your new parakite to ensure your fun for a long time We had a dream that there is more to flying than left right to start a revolution in the world of flying and add the first real 3rd dimension to your movements in the air while flying 20 years of development knowledge at skywalk Paragliders and FLYSURFER Kiteboarding have led us to something the world h...

Страница 16: ...MOUSTACHE have done everything in their power to guarantee that proper use of it and of its component parts is safe however use of the equipment involves certain risks of personal injury or death for the user of the product and for third parties By using the FLARE MOUSTACHE you agree to accept all known and unknown risks that may lead to injury or death The risks associated with the practice of th...

Страница 17: ... be found at the end of the instructions SIZE 13 15 18 22 COLOR PETROL WHITE FLAT AREA 13m 15m 18m 22m NR CELLS 52 52 52 52 FLAT WINGSPAN 840cm 910cm 1000cm 1130cm MAX CHORD 187cm 199cm 216cm 234cm FLAT AR 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 8 PROJECTED AREA 11 0m 12 68m 15 27m 18 56m GLIDER WEIGHT 3 1kg 3 4kg 3 8kg 4 4kg Description 33 FLYING A PARAKITE REQUIRES MAXIMUM CAUTION AT ALL TIMES WE REMIND YOU THAT YOU FLY ...

Страница 18: ...ding on the ground DON T release the brake handle while flying and always stay in the loops DON T adjust the the setting on your brake main line this is a tool to trim your MOUSTACHE after a lot of flying hours and we recommend that it is only adjusted by FLARE itself or one of our Pro Partners DON T control your MOUSTACHE by ONLY pulling on the Main Brake line also DON T steer with seperated C Sp...

Страница 19: ...d twists from the risers to the canopy During flight tied or crossed over lines can often not be released or untangled The brake lines are lying directly on the ground so please pay attention that they do not become entangled during launch There shouldn t be any lines beneath the canopy during take off Line overs can have fatal consequences TAKE OFF forward The FLARE MOUSTACHE is easy to launch It...

Страница 20: ... react early to a pressure drop and impending collapse Flight techniques and characteristics 39 Collapses while flying in full speed position in general tend to be more sudden and require increased attention on the part of the pilot As you gain experience these reactions will become intuitive However maintaining an active flying style will greatly increase your margin of safety The neutral positio...

Страница 21: ...de brake Descent techniques 41 We highly recommend having the outside brake at full speed position or close to it This way you will get a higher sink rate with rather low G forces The spiral dive can be used to lose altitude quickly so please consider the following High sink rates and the related high G forces lead to a high physical strain on the body that may be too much for inexperienced pilots...

Страница 22: ...diation are especially susceptible A parachutal stall can also occur when the glider is flown in rain soaks up moisture The glider has no forward speed and a high sink rate Extreme flight maneuvres 43 The FLARE MOUSTACHE will recover from a parachutal stall by releasing the brakes to full speed position immediately IF YOU APPLY THE BRAKES DURING A PARACHUTAL STALL THE GLIDERWILLIMMEDIATELYENTERAFU...

Страница 23: ...d from 3 7mm Dyneema Taurus line by EDELRID The Pulleys are Ronstan orbit 20mm combining great breaking strength and a light weight Dominico 30DMF 204444PS Dominico 204444PS Porcher 9017 E29A Liros PPSL275 PPSL200 PPSLS180 PPSLS125 Liros PPSLS180 PPSLS125 Liros DC100 DC60 Liros PPSL200 DSL70 DC60 Recomendation tables 45 9 RECOMMENDATION TABLES TAKE OFF WEIGHT CHART The right choice of size is for ...

Страница 24: ... cause your glider to deteriorate quickly The PU coated canopy materials are dirt repellent but in case of dirt accu mulation can be cleaned easily If you still think you need to clean your glid er e g of cow manure then use a soft damp towel or a sponge WITHOUT soap solvent or detergent Let your glider dry thoroughly before storing it REPAIR Repairs should only be carried out by the manufacturer ...

Страница 25: ...h value on environmental compatibility and the highest quality control Should your glider someday no longer be flyable remove all metal parts such as shackles pulleys etc All remaining parts such as lines material and risers can be turned in at a recycling center The metallic parts can be turned in at a metals recycling center The best solution is to send your retired FLARE Parakite directly to us...

Страница 26: ... to respect animals in their territory 15 CLOSING WORDS The MOUSTACHE will provide you with plenty of joy over many years if you treat it and care for it properly Respect for the demands and dangers of our sport are essential for successful and beautiful flights Make sure to watch all FLARE Tutorials auf go flare com and respect your own limits The question is not how stable is the MOUSTACHE the q...

Страница 27: ... BEYOND_GRAVITY Tag us to be featured go flare global F L A R E p a r a k i t e s www go flare com info go flare com SKYWALK GmbH Co KG Windeckstr 4 83250 Marquartstein 49 0 8641 69 48 0 GFAMA1MOU User manual for MOUSTACHE ...
