B. Check the switch, overload protection and the cable between the driver and the voltage transformer
are ok or not and make sure the connection is good.
C. Check the connection between the driver and display is ok or not and.
D. The voltage transformer is broken, replace the transformer.
2) The display shows E01 after switch on.
A. There something wrong with the signal cable. Please check each cable between display and the
driver is ok or not.
B. There are something wrong with the display component part, please replace the display.
C. Replace the transformer.
3) The display shows E02 after switch on.
A. Check the motor cable is ok or not, if not please reconnect the motor cable. If it does not work,
please replace the motor.
B. Check the controller whether there is any special smell. If so please replace the controller.
C. Check whether the input voltage is correct or not. Please use the right input voltage.
4) The display shows E03 after switch on.
A. If the display shows E03 after the motor starts for about 5-8 sec, that means it does not received
speed signal. Please check the senor plug is ok or not, if broken please replace the sensor.
B. The circuit of the controller is broken, please replace the controller.
5) The display shows E05 after switch on.
A. The currency is too big because of too heavy load and then the system shut off the power to protect
itself. Please reset the machine.
B. Maybe some part is jammed which make the motor too heavy load, so the machine cannot work. So
please adjust the running belt or lubricate some oil.
C. Check the motor whether there is any special smell. If so please replace the motor.
D. Check the controller whether there is any special smell. If so please replace the controller.
6) Cannot start time window shows normally but the motor does not work and there is any error code after
press START key.
A. Check the cables between motor and related parts are ok or not.
B. Check whether the protective tube is good or not.
C. The IGBT on the controller is broken, please replace it.