NOTE These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption
and reflection from structures, objects and people.
r.m.s., before modulation is applied.
The ISM (industrial, scientific and medical) bands between 0,15 MHz and 80 MHz are 6,765 MHz to 6,795
MHz; 13,553 MHz to 13,567 MHz; 26,957 MHz to 27,283 MHz; and 40,66 MHz to 40,70 MHz. The amateur
radio bands between 0,15 MHz and 80 MHz are 1,8 MHz to 2,0 MHz, 3,5 MHz to 4,0 MHz, 5,3 MHz to 5,4
MHz, 7 MHz to 7,3 MHz, 10,1 MHz to 10,15 MHz, 14 MHz to 14,2 MHz, 18,07 MHz to 18,17 MHz, 21,0 MHz
to 21,4 MHz to 24,99 MHz, 28,0 MHz to 29,7 MHz and 50,0 MHz to 54,0 MHz.
Before modulation is applied.