Tip Alignment Manual
Rev C.
– June, 2015
Part Number: TA9000N
Fisnar Inc. | 19C Chapin Rd. Ste. 307, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 | T: (973) 646-5044 |
- Page 9 -
1.4 Tip Align Movement
As the tip moves, it is triggering the sensors and its position is being recorded. If the Tip
Alignment fails, make sure the tip is triggering the sensor as it moves in the X and Y direction.
This can be easily done by adjusting the starting position of the tip in the Set Tip Start position
command. Make sure both sensors are giving low values when tip is in starting position to
ensure accuracy of the Tip Alignment Module.
Move to Start Position of Tip Searching
Searching X Axis sensor.