Tip Alignment Manual
Rev C.
– June, 2015
Part Number: TA9000N
Fisnar Inc. | 19C Chapin Rd. Ste. 307, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 | T: (973) 646-5044 |
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1 About Tip Alignment Module
The Tip Alignment Module use sensors to check position of the dispensing tip and will correct
position if tip is changed or damaged. The Sensors are connected to the user Input port on the
back of the F9000N controller.
The Sequence of Tip Alignment is
1) Set Tip-searching start position (only first time)
2) Set Sensor input, tip searching speed, Tip end position (only first time)
3) Run base tip alignment.
4) Create dispensing program.
5) Run program
6) After tip change, run Auto tip alignment.
The Tip Alignment only affects the current program. So if a new program is created, Base tip
alignment for the new program must be completed.
Minimum Robot Software Required for Tip Alignment Module: Version 15.3A