Seat Back Tube
• Fit the seat back tube onto the ends of the base wire.
• Push the seat back tube to be sure it is completely on the
base wires.
• Fit a retainer to the
of the seat back tube, as shown.
Make sure the socket in the retainer is
• Insert a screw through the hole in the seat back tube, base wire
and into the inside of the retainer.
• Repeat this procedure to assemble the other retainer to the other
side of the seat back tube.
• Pull the seat back tube up to be sure it is secure. If you can
remove either end of the seat back tube, you have not assembled
the retainers correctly. Remove the screws, re-read and repeat
Assembly steps 5 and 6.
Retainer Socket Up
Pad Seat Back Pocket
• Position the pad above the frame.
• Fit the upper pocket on the back of the pad onto the seat back tube.
• Position the footrest so that the soothing unit is upright.
• Fit the footrest onto the ends of the base wires.
Base Wires