Let's Learn
• Open the book and the friendly bookworm sings a portion of the nursery
rhyme on the pages shown. Light-up hands highlight the page being read.
• Press the nose to hear the bookworm sing a portion of the nursery
rhyme on the left page followed by music. Press again to hear about the
right page.
• When all the pages are closed, press the Numbers, Colors or Letters
buttons to hear singing and music or press the nose for a friendly greeting.
the learn the
color of an object on
the left page.
“Red Boats”
Press again to learn
about the right page.
Colors Button
to learn how
many objects are on
the left page then a
fun sound effect.
“Three Boats -
Ding Ding”
Press again to learn
about the right page.
Numbers Button
Press to learn about an object
on the left page and the letter it
begins with.
“B – Boat”
Press again to learn about the
right page.
Letters Button