Mobile home installation
The installation of the dryer in a mobile home must conform to the Manufactured Home
Construction and Safety Standard Title 24 CFR, Part 3280 {formerly the Federal Standard for
Mobile Home Construction and Safety, Title 24 HUD (Part 280), 1975} for the United States or
Standard CAN/CSA – Z240MH for Canada.
When installing a dryer in a mobile home, provisions for anchoring the dryer to the floor must
be made.
A Mobile Home anchoring installation kit is available with instructions (see Accessories page
7). Locate in an area that has adequate outside make up air (a minimum of 72 square inches of
unobstructed opening is required).
Mobile home installations must be exhausted to the outdoors with the exhaust duct
termination securely fastened to the mobile home structure, using materials that will not
support combustion.
The exhaust duct must not terminate beneath the mobile home. See the section on exhausting
for more information. (refer to page 12)
Fig.8 Exterior venting
The dryer must be
exhausted outside
enclosed area
The exhaust vent must be securely
fastened to a non-combustible
portion of the mobile home
structure and must not terminate
beneath the mobile home.
Installation instructions