Handbrakes are conveniently located so
you can effectively and safely slow or stop
your Perfect Walker as desired. To LOCK the
Perfect Walker in place, push forward/down
on the handbrake lever until it clicks and locks
into place. To unlock and use the brakes/
wheels, pull up and squeeze the handles.
To slow and stop the walker, squeeze the
handles and gently apply pressure.
In the event the brakes need adjustment—i.e.,
they do not seem to apply enough pressure or
are applying too much (which can cause them to
rub), there are two Adjustment Screws located
at the top and bottom of the brake cable which
can be used to adjust as necessary. To tighten the
brakes, turn the Adjustment Screw clockwise at
either the top or rear of the cable. If brakes are too
tight and rubbing the wheels, turn Adjustment Screw counterclockwise.
Optimal Height and Settings
Setting the height of the armrests and determining the
appropriate depth for your handbrakes are most important to
make sure you are standing upright, properly supported and
not leaning forward or backwards so that you experience the
optimal walking experience. When installing the handbrakes,
make sure your elbows are just off the rear of the armrest and
you are NOT leaning over and “reaching” for the handbrakes.
See diagram for the optimal placement for your
posture and
line of sight.
Folding Seat
When setting up and/or using the Perfect Walker, the seat
needs to be “locked into place” by firmly pushing down on the
sides (as shown in diagram) until you feel it lock/click into place.
NOTE: The Perfect Walker should not be used if the seat is not locked
into place.
How to make the most of your new
Perfect Walker!
Perfect Walker
Pull up brake (unlock)
Adjustment Screw
Push down brake (lock)
Press down and out to open rollator.
Rear Wheel