Current Temp
(CUR TEMP) This displays the current internal temperature of the scanner unit. This value toggles
between degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius.
Flame Signal Strength, Combined Sensors
The Flame Signal for FR1, FR2 (FS 1:xxx 2:xxx) number represents the intensity of the Flame
Flicker as sensed by the IR and/or UV sensors, and is a function of the individual sensor Gain and
Bandpass (flicker frequency) settings. If IR & UV is selected, the sum of their signals is displayed.
The Signal Strength number is related to the Flame Quality number but has a value of 0-999.
Important Note: The Flame Quality number is the Flame Signal number, but is capped at 100. It
is the sum of the IR + UV Signal Strength numbers, but the sum is capped at 100.
If “FS 1:080 2:015” is displayed as signal strength, you would see a Flame Quality number (the IR
and UV signal sum) of “FQ 95” displayed on the Flame Quality screen.
If “FS 1:070 2:040” is displayed as signal strength, although the
is 110, you would see a Flame
Quality number of “FQ 100” on the Flame Quality screen, because Flame Quality is capped at 100.
Active Sensor
The active sensor in use for FR1 and FR2 is displayed on this screen. Valid values can be 1:IR, 1:UV,
1:IR&UV and 2:IR, 2:UV, 2:IR&UV to represent the possible combinations available.
Software Revision
This displays the current internal software revision, “ex: SW REV 0033:0010”
This screen indicates the remote communications address, baud rate, bits, parity, and stop bit. The
address can range from 1 to 247, as selected in the Config Menu. No two scanners in a communica-
tions loop should have the same address. Default comm values are: “247 19200 8:N:1”, indicating
address 247, 19200 baud, 8 bits, No parity, 1 stop bit.
Flame Relay Thresholds
Each flame relay has a factory programmed FLAME ON threshold of 40, and a FLAME OFF thresh-
old of 20 (0-100 scale). Other ON and OFF thresholds may be programmed to suit particular applica-
On Threshold
Flame ON threshold (ONTH 1:xxx 2:xxx) This refers to the “pull-in” threshold of the internal Flame
Relay in terms of Flame Quality. The ON threshold can be set from 5 to 100. The ON threshold must
be at least 5 units higher than the OFF threshold. When the flame quality is equal to or greater than
the ON threshold (for a time equal to the On Time Delay setting), the flame relay will energize. Fac-
tory default ONTH value for FR1, FR2 is 40
Off Threshold
Flame OFF threshold (OFFTH 1:xxx 2:xxx). This refers to the “drop-out” threshold of the internal
flame relay in terms of Flame Quality. The OFF threshold can be set from 0 to 95. The OFF threshold
must be at least 5 units lower than the ON threshold. When the Flame Quality is equal to or less than
the OFF threshold (for a time equal to the Flame Failure Response Time setting), the flame relay will
de-energize. Factory default OFFTH value for FR1, FR2 is 20